You read the title right. It's the Year of the Jodi, and of so many like her. Well, hopefully, there are many like her. (and now I may finally get her to read one of my newsletters! Ha)
So who is Jodi and why is this her year? Jodi is one of my clients. All of my clients are awesome. I can honestly say that. Some have met or exceeded their goals, some struggle with cardio and food, but when it comes to what they do when they are here...ALL of my clients work their butts off, and it shows. So why is Jodi so special? Well, she's lost 4 lbs in the last week. Huh? That doesn't sound like a big deal? Read on and see why it is a big deal! It's a huge deal because this is the beginning of one of those success stories that happens from doing all the right things.
She started with me a year ago. She came in wanting to lose weight but most importantly to get in better shape and feel better. She's been through an operation, and an injury, but she's been here. Her main problem is, in all of this time, she's had a hard time losing weight, and over the past month in particular, she's been getting aggravated (to say the least) that she's not seeing what she wants on the scale. I'm sure she's been mad at me. She'd say, "I come here three times a week for 30 minute sessions and in all this time I don't see anything, and the scales not moving."
This seems like a damaging statement for a trainer to actually say, but it's honest and it's true. But there's a reason for it.
You've all heard me "endlessly" tout the 3 things you need to do to lose weight and get in the best shape possible...come'on, you all know what it is, lets say it together, Strength Train, Cardio, Diet! Good, you remember. Well then, why is it that so many pick the one or two things out and forget the second and third?
Jodi is one of the hardest workers I've ever seen. She came in grunting and groaning to get to 8 pushups on her knees, could do only a few squats and it would kill her for days. Now Jodi can crank out 20 pushups...2 sets of them or more. Some are on her toes and the rest on her knees. She cranks out Lunges and Squats, leg extensions, tricep dips, and so on. She is in as good of shape, strength wise and conditioning wise as most now! She's one persistent person, she truly does work hard like all of my clients, but Jodi's probably the most stubborn I've ever seen.
HEY, HEY, stop calling your clients names Mark! Nah, Jodi knows it. But in a good way. This woman absolutely refuses to give up. I wish more people would be more like her. I really do.
Jodi is typical of most people. She's worked out, but hasn't really done strict cardio too. She never really, in my opinion understood a good diet or good portions. But something lit a fire under her. She went out and bought a body bug. A strap around your arm that calculates burned calories. She inputs her daily food intake into the computer and the body bug tells her if she brought in or burned more calories. She can keep track throughout the day. But it's not the body bug, it's Jodi. She's a typical example of what happens when you do the three things that makes your weight lose and fitness a success!
She never understood that portions should be so small. We'll, they're not so small, they are what you should be eating to stay healthy. We get so used to big portions we think that's the norm. We don't read labels that show us how many servings, then calculate how many calories that is. (a bag of chips might show 140 calories, and someone might say, that's not bad, but they never looked to see that the bag contains 2.5 servings, which equals 350 calories!!).
She's learned the very basic part of it. Burn more calories than you bring in, and you lose weight. So she's doing her cardio three times a week now. 30 minutes each time of interval training. Added up, her total workout time is 3-30 minute workouts, and 3-30 minute cardio sessions. It's only a total of 3 hours. And now she's on track with her diet too!!
So, this week it's 4lbs. Her body will respond better and better to workouts, and cardio. Her lean tissue will increase while her body fat decreases. Her body will start to shrink, and she's going to see what I've told her all this time. Your body changes! You'll have a bad food day or weekend, but after a while, you're body will take care of that extra food on it's own due to the lean tissue added from her workouts. It's the PERFECT STORM for fat burning!
Jodi may have a week of going up in weight, but she won't be discouraged. If more people really wanted to lose weight, they could. Jodi's going to show all of us how it's done. She should be an inspiration. She's found out how to do it. Some take longer to get it, but be a JODI, don't give up. Keep doing it till you get it right. 3 hours a week and a PROPER diet WILL, I repeat, WILL help you lose weight and change your body so it's really hard for it to go back to the out of shape, heavier body you had before.
So that's why this is the Year of the Jodi! Jodi represents the Jane's, Tom's, Mary's, Bills etc out there that struggle to find the right way to do things. But, it's also the year of my other clients like Ronnie who at 60 kicks butt! Or Pam who is GOING ALL THE WAY with both her weight loss and her new bod! Barry who will be sporting a flat stomach and board shorts this summer. Gregg who will be bigger and more cut than ever before. Connell who will be tearing up the soccer fields at a sleeker size and weight at 54. And Regina who like Jodi has worked her butt off weekly. Regina is another one of those amazing people who will not only NOT give up, but who has major successes in her fitness and weight loss goals. (sorry I haven't mentioned all of you...but you'll be in one of these soon).
Thank you to all of my clients and past clients. It really is a privilege to work with you, and to be a part of seeing you through to your goals. Anyone looking to do the same...come in and learn what it's like to make it the Year of the (Put Your Name Here!)
Personal Training - 30 and 60 minute
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- $240
Beach Boot Camp - Saturdays at
7:30am, $15. Rain Cancels.
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Mark Falk Fitness By the Bay 631-834-1427