Long Island Personal Trainer, Personal Training Gym, Fitness By the Bay   631-834-1427
Blue Point, NY 11715



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  • 60 Minute Training
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Hi all, I wanted to write an extra newsletter this week after hearing that we might get or get a part of Hurricane Earl. (keeping my fingers crossed that we don't. If anyone has extra plywood...Im gonna need it! lol...No..Really!).

Ok, so after hearing this, and thinking, "Man, I have to get plywood, put together something to shield my windows and doors from the wind, rain and pelting sand and rocks...this is going to be a lot of work!" I was wondering how many people are actually prepared for something like this...supply wise and fitness wise.

If...God forbid, something happened...a downed tree, collapsed roof, blown out wall or having to leave to get out of dodge...would I be able to handle it...would you be able to handle it? Taking care of yourself and kids, possibly your significant other, elderly mother or father? Could you do it? Or would you have to wait till someone else rescued you?

I actually think its a good, and a valid question we should all ask ourselves...the "what if" question.

You know how you wait till the last minute to get supplies, or put up that plywood to prevent your home from being trashed...what about your body. You don't have a few hours to do that last minute. So, again, what kind of shape are you in to deal with a disaster, an emergency, or to help someone else?

Ask any of my clients. I train for "what if's". They might say, Huh? But if they'll remember, they'll hear me say..."What if you fell?", or "What if you had to pull yourself up or to safety". These are very real questions to ask yourself.
  • Can you push yourself up off the ground over an over again?
  • Can you pull yourself up, or from an angle?
  • What if something was on you? Could you push it off?
  • Can you lift someone else up, carry them if need be?
  • Can you race to a safer place with a child in your arms, Heck...just by yourself?
  • Can you carry and help with sandbags, plywood, coolers, ladders, etc?

So, just how ready are you? This in no way a scare tactic, but a genuine question I truly think we should all ask ourselves. Disasters always seem to happen to the other guy...to someone else though...we're the other guy.

I just want everyone to be safe...and this is just ANOTHER example of why we need to keep ourselves fit, do weight training, do cardio, and eat right. If not for ourselves, what about the ones around us who may need our help? Never let it be too late, and never have to utter your own, "Only if I had.....".  I want you to say, "I lifted", "I was able to...", "I saved...", "I can't believe I was able to do that!"

Be prepared...be safe, and always keep these supplies around just in case you ever have a "What if"...which I hope you don't, but don't want you to have an "Only if I had...". Never rely on "I'll be able to do it because of the adrenaline"...that doesn't happen quite as often as you think.

Go here to get yourself prepared for a weather emergency. It's a great checklist.

Hope Earl doesn't hit, but if it does...be safe.

Your Friend, Mark



  • Personal Training - 30 and 60 minute sessions from $35 for individuals.
  • Starter Pack - 4 One Hour Personal Training - $240
  • Beach Boot Camp - Saturdays at 7:30am, $15. Rain Cancels.
  • Tell a friend that signs up for Personal Training 2 x a week or more, get a free session every month that they train!

Mark Falk
Fitness By the Bay