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Hi everyone! It's a great Sunday morning and I'm sitting here thinking about all the people I met yesterday at the Health Fair at the Methodist Church in Bayport. Some were exhibitors, and some were people looking to see how they can increase their health and just curious about what was going on.
First, thank you, to all of you who came and visited me there. Both, those I know and new people I had the privilege of meeting for the first time.
The one thing I noticed was there were a lot of questions about fitness in general. How to do things, how to lose weight, how to gain muscle or lean tissue, and how can they get their kids fit. What I learned was, but sort of knew, was there's so much info out there, no one really knows who to believe. Internet, friends, and family fill everyone's heads with how to get in shape or lose weight.
The underlying current of all the conversations was Quality of Life. Everyone knew, and I do mean EVERYONE.....they all knew that exercise increases the quality of their lives. The one problem is not knowing what to do. How do you fit exercise in your life when you hear five million things you should do? How do you do it all? What are the best combinations etc.
Quality of Life is definitely increased with exercise, and in good balance. Too much doesn't increase the quality of your life if you're a slave to it. Too little or the wrong things just make you frustrated and feel like its useless, or like there's something wrong with you because you can't get in the shape you want to be, or you don't feel the way you know you should from proper exercise.
You can do too much and burn up the muscle you're trying to build....so everything should be in balance. Resistance training, cardio, diet! All three, properly balanced.
You'll find your energy goes up, your strength increases, you have a better general feeling of well being, your mind seems sharper and you suddenly feel ageless. I'm 48, and I feel like I have no age! Ok, some days I feel older, but that's mental. Then I get to work and do one of my workouts, or workout with a client and I suddenly feel that ageless feeling. My mind becomes clearer, I'm more hopeful, stress is decreased, I'm feeling strong... ahhhhhhhhhhh...I feel like me again!
If you don't know what to do, then guidance is going to go a very long way. Or if you're mentally in a place that you need to get out of, or maybe you just need that schedule to keep you on track....well, then come down and see me. Some people think they should be able to do it on their own, and then do nothing, and the next week, they still havent started, still have the same questions they did the week before. It's a bad cycle of never really doing anything about it. I need guidance too sometimes. I need that boost...who doesn't!
The gyms are filled with people doing things they shouldn't be doing, or who are with a trainer that makes them feel like they are going backwards instead of forwards. Exercise is for improvement. If you're sore ALL the time, or in pain, or tired, then you need to seriously consider what fitness is. It's about feeling FIT, feeling good, feeling energetic, feeling strong. If you, or someone else isn't helping you do that, and helping you increase the quality of your life, then you need to change something.
Quality of life seems to take a back seat to everything, and everyone else. Let me ask you this; If you don't take care of yourself NOW...and I mean RIGHT NOW, then what will your Quality of Life be like in a month, a year, 5 years. Your life is long. Starting now is short. Although there's always tomorrow, the more time you spend not exercising literally decreases the quality of your life. It affects all of our tomorrows and the worse thing in life is saying "I wish I had........", when it's too late.
Im not talking DOOM AND GLOOM, Im talking about general wellness, feeling good physically and mentally. Why let age, time, or anything stop you from feeling the best you ever have. I have clients who look and feel better in their 40's and 50's than they ever have. They stop saying, "When I was in high school I was, " Or "I did..."....they now say, "I've never felt this good, NOT even in High School".
INCREASE THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE IN 3 - 5 HOURS A WEEK! (spread out, that's 30 - 45 mins a day total...but you'll do it in less days)
Do all 3....don't just run, don't just diet, don't just lift weights! Anyone one by itself will not do for you what all three will. All three will make your body something new, something that lasts, not something that SNAPS back to where it was if you take a break from it.
Do it.....come on in and lets talk about how you can be the best you've ever been!
Personal Training - 30 and 60 minute
sessions from $35 for individuals.
Starter Pack - 4 One Hour Personal Training
- $240
Beach Boot Camp - Saturdays at
7:30am, $15. Rain Cancels.
Tell a friend that signs up for
Personal Training 2 x a week or
more, get a free session every month
that they train!
Mark Falk Fitness By the Bay 631-834-1427