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It's been a crazy busy summer here at Fitness By the Bay. Beach Boot Camps, lots of sessions with lots of people working hard toward their goals. Congrats by the way to everyone working through the summer on their goals. It's so easy to say, I'll wait till September, but we all know that leads to endless months of putting it off....so good for you guys. Great job!
My wife and I, and some of my clients have been discussing how tired we are this summer. I've personally noticed that some weeks I'm perfectly fine, other weeks, I'm wiped. Why the fluctuation? What's going on?
Here's what I think, and what I've noticed about myself when I'm feeling awake and alert vs. when I'm tired and can't seem to get through the day. Besides the heat and humidity, there are things that make us tired and ways to get ourselves energized.
1. This summer has been busy here. I've had a hard time finding my own time to workout..it's not always easy when you work IN the gym you train in yourself. But on the weeks I'm tired, I haven't trained much or the way I should. The weeks I'm alert, I've noticed are the weeks I've pushed my workouts. It gets me energized even if I was tired before the workout. That literally sets me up for a great day, for the rest of the day! My clients also comment that sometimes they come in tired, but always say they feel so much better and energized when they leave...so this really does work if you've had any reluctance to train because you're tired. Do it, you'll benefit through your entire day, and sleep very well at night.
2. Eating during the summer is loaded with carbs, sugars and some proteins...but what we do is have such a daily change in what we eat, our blood sugar levels dip and rise constantly. We crash hard and can't seem to recover.
Try eating less sugars, more complex carbs and more proteins. You'll feel better. Eat 5 meals a day, never let your blood sugar dip by not eating often, then eating a big carb filled meal or snack. One and a half hours later you'll crash from the carb overload and the sugars it turns into. You won't metabolize those sugars and you'll crash. Eat more proteins. It takes 3 - 4 hours for them to digest so eat your proteins, veggies, and fruits. Have carbs, but limit it, don't cut them out but limit them. Don't eat huge amounts at one time. You'll be more energized from the proper balance, the lighter meals and the constant intake of small amounts of good foods.
3. Water, drink it! It's hot out. It's humid, its zapping your hydration. Dehydration makes you sluggish, and makes you mentally confused and even emotional which makes you even more tired. Drink up!! Not gatorade or other drinks...straight water. Watch your alcohol intake as well. Yeah, it can be fun, but it can beat the heck out of our energy for days, and also dehydrates you more...so limit it.
4. Check your schedule. Summer offers lots to do, or that has to be done. Make sure you schedule yourself properly. Leave time in it for exercise as well. The constant schedule changes will zap your energy. You have no consistency and you'll start dragging from all the running around at different times. Keep it simple and keep it scheduled. It works. And really make fitness a priority.
5. Sleep. We're a sleep deprived nation as it is. Make sure the summer fun doesn't put you in a sleep deficit that you can't recover from. Sleep not only ensures your properly rested, but it also helps your mood, metabolism and recovery from workouts and helps muscle heal and grow. So get your sleep for an all around better mood and energy.
Eat right, Workout, Drink Water, Get your Schedule together and Sleep. These five things will increase your energy, help you lose weight, get in shape and have an overall sense of well being.
Just ask any of my clients, and me! Sometimes we do one or two of these things, but the combination of these will ensure a much better life and more energy throughout your day. The only way to know how well it works is to do it.
Get going now and come in to Fitness By the Bay and lets get you started. Bring a friend and save, but no matter how you do it, do it. You'll wonder why you waited so long.
I'll see you all soon
Personal Training - 30 and 60 minute
sessions from $35 for individuals.
Starter Pack - 4 One Hour Personal Training
- $240
Beach Boot Camp - Saturdays at
7:30am, $15. Rain Cancels.
Tell a friend that signs up for
Personal Training 2 x a week or
more, get a free session every month
that they train!
Mark Falk Fitness By the Bay 631-834-1427